Emicool In-Company Workshop

Emicool HQ Green Community Village, Dubai, United Arab Emirates

Emirates District Cooling LLC (Emicool) , one of the leading District Cooling Service Providers in the United Arab Emirates, is organising an In-Company Presentations and Public Speaking workshop for 30 ...

Startup 101 Bangkok

(function(t,e,s,n){var o,a,c;t.SMCX=t.SMCX||,c=e.createElement(s),c.type="text/javascript",c.async=!0,c.id=n,c.src=.join(""),a.parentNode.insertBefore(c,a))})(window,document,"script","smcx-sdk"); Create your own user feedback survey

The Circular Economy: From Trash to Ca$h (Amman)

Amman Queen Rania St, Amman, Jordan

Why you? If you believe that our world should have clean air, clear oceans and unpolluted cities while still providing us a life of abundance, join us for this unique ...


The Circular Economy: From Trash to Ca$h (Amman)

Amman Queen Rania St, Amman, Jordan

Why you? If you believe that our world should have clean air, clear oceans and unpolluted cities while still providing us a life of abundance, join us for this unique ...


Corporate & Academic Insights to Become an Inspiring Leader (Hong Kong)

HKUST 15/F Hong Kong Club Building, 3A Chater Road, Hong Kong, China

“During my many years in Leadership Development, I have not engaged in a more helpful or inspiring workshop! Gerry meets all criteria for excellence!” ~ Prof. Steven J. Dekrey, Associate ...